Mrs. Barlow’s Tasteful Advisements to Young Matrons and Overwrought Mothers of Daughters: Made-Dishes

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What is technically called a made-dish, presupposes either a more elaborate mode of cookery than plain frying, boiling, or roasting or else some combination of those elementary processes,—as, for example, half-roasting and finishing in the stew-pan, which is a very common way of dressing a ragout. All dishes commonly called French dishes are of this class, such as fricassees and ragouts, meat braised, larded, &c. and so are hashes, curries, and generally all viands that are re-dressed.

Made-dishes are valued by the gourmand for their seasonings and piquancy, but they are equally esteemed by the economist from the circumstance of a much less quantity of material than would suffice for a boil or roast, making a handsome and highly-flavoured dish; while, by the various modes of re-dressing, every thing cold is, in a new made-dish turned to good account. The most common fault of made dishes is, that they are overdone.

The very name made-dish, with us implies something savoury and highly relishing, and though over seasoning is to be avoided, it is proper that made-dishes should rather be piquant than insipid.

Made-dishes of beef that has been dressed.

Few persons come to the years of eating-discretion like cold meat, and though the days are quite gone when the hospitality of the landlord was measured by the size of the joint, it still happens that where a table affords any variety of dishes, much meat will be left cold. The invention of the culinary artist is thus put on the rack for new forms and modes of dress, and new names for various dishes which are intrinsically one. The most common and the best methods of dressing cold beef are broiling, heating in the Dutch oven, or hashing.

Click here for links to all of Mrs. Barlow’s recipes.

Introducing Mrs. Barlow

Mrs. Leah Barlow

Mrs. Leah Barlow, mother of five lovely daughters herself, has graciously condescended to provide Susana’s Parlour with some of her tasteful advisements on housewifely matters, such as meal planning and the rearing of children, in hopes that our readers will find them informative. Having recently set up a Twitter account where she will be sharing her most treasured household tips, she hopes many of you will follow her:

Much of her advice comes from this manual, which she insists should be in every housewife’s possession:

The Cook and Housewife’s Manual, Containing the Most approved Modern Receipts for Making Soups, Gravies, Sauces, Regouts, and All Made-dishes; and for Pies, Puddings, Pickles, and Preserves; Also, for Baking Brewing, Making Home-made Wines, Cordials, &c.

Mrs. Margaret Dods (Christian Isobel Johnstone), Edinburgh, 1826

Available free on Google

About A Twelfth Night Tale

Without dowries or the opportunity to meet eligible gentlemen, the five Barlow sisters stand little chance of making advantageous marriages. When Lucy, the eldest, attracts the attention of a wealthy viscount, she knows she should encourage his attentions, since marriage to a peer will be advantageous to all. The man of her dreams was Andrew Livingston, her best friend’s brother. But he’s always treated her like a child, and now he’s betrothed to another. Perhaps the time has come to accept reality… and Lord Bexley.

Andrew returned from the Peninsular War with a lame arm and emotional scars. Surprisingly, it’s his sister’s friend, “little Lucy”—now a strikingly lovely young woman—who shows him the way out of his melancholy. But with an eligible viscount courting her, Andrew will need a little Christmas magic to win her for himself.

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42 thoughts on “Mrs. Barlow’s Tasteful Advisements to Young Matrons and Overwrought Mothers of Daughters: Made-Dishes

  1. I had never heard the term “made dishes” but I read with interest the recipes provided! I also checked out the other recipes and have saved the link, I would love to try some of the dishes, especially the desserts:) I couldn’t resist buying your “A Twelfth Night Tale”, I love anything to do with Christmas and the story sounds delicious!! Carole Burant (


  2. Love finding new authors. Love these blog hops.
    Thanks for the yummy receipe. Yummy. Going to try the Sirloin one.
    Christinebails at Yahoo dot com


  3. What an interesting collection of recipes! I don’t think I have heard of these before. Thanks for sharing! Love these blog hops to meet new authors! rjspratlen@gmaildotcom


  4. How interesting. I’ve never heard the term Made Dishes before. I am definitely going to look at all the recipes. Th and you.
    Carol Luciano
    Lucky4750 at aol dot com

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A new term for me, made-dishes. I find it interesting that they felt it necessary to distinguish between one step preparation dishes and those that take more steps. Were made-dishes reserved for the upper classes, or were they prepared by everyone?


    • I suppose anyone who could cook could make them, but the lower classes were unlikely to be able to afford some of the ingredients, and many couldn’t read. This book was clearly written for cooks in the more prosperous houses.


  6. Nice to see that you’re participating this year! Thank you for the recipes. I don’t think I’ve heard the term in the past. (vipersweb (at) gmail (dot) com)


  7. I love new recipes. Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading your work. I’ve read the blurbs and they sound interesting. 😀


  8. Thanks for the information on made-dishes. I was not familiar with the term. Also, thanks for the great recipes. jeanna_massman(at)


  9. Made-dishes is a new term to me, but these recipes look interesting! Thanks for being part of the hop!

    Mary McCoy . emmasmom69 AT gmail DOT com


  10. These made-dishes sound like my grandmother’s old recipes given to her by grandmother. She was born in the late 1800s.


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